Tuesday, 25 November 2014

E conference - Some Important Perspectives to be Considered

Texila e conference is a multi-disciplinary annual research conference that attracts the highest quality research on a wide variety of important current and emerging policy and management issues.

It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure that their submissions adhere strictly to the required format. Submissions that do not comply with the above guidelines may be rejected without review.

Submissions must represent new and original work. Concurrent submissions are not allowed. When selecting chairs and discussants, please make sure they know they will be required to pay a registration fee to participate in the conference.

For basic, clinical, translational & epidemiologic research related to any relevant fields, you may register in the website. (Terms & Conditions Apply).

Texila e conference is a great opportunity for the scholars to get recognized in the relevant field. It is to be noted that the proposals or the research papers submitted for inclusion in the conference will exemplify a range of perspectives and methodologies and include a diverse range of participants with respect to affiliation.

No panel should include more than one presenting author with the same affiliation. Students can register only once for the conference and submit research papers for presentation.

Only the papers in the relevant format as described in the website will be accepted. Abstract should not be more than 250 words

Research in Food and Nutrition trade and find your ways to Success

Researches in food and nutrition areas include the case studies, research papers and article reviews related to the relevant field. Research in the field of interest and submit your researches for free, non-profit and science based e conference.

Research papers submitted may include the peer reviewed research covering all aspects of experimental nutrition and various sub disciplines of food science.

Research papers will be evaluated by the panel of eminent panel of judges from all over the world. It is to be noted that Open International Journals and Open Forums will be available to the participants.

Texila Conference encourages every research scholar, professors, faculty members and research students to publish their research papers.

The main conference program will have different areas (or themes) for referred paper presentations, and we invite you to submit your cutting-edge, exciting, new breakthrough work to the relevant area via online from any part of the world.

Things to consider:

  • Submitted papers should be in English
  • Should contain author name, affiliations and other details
  • Should be formatted according to the prescribed format mentioned in the website
  • Should be in PDF format
  • Abstract should be very clear and not more than 250 words

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Paving way to Publish Your Research

We are here to make your dream come true!

Political Sciences are the sciences that are related to everyday politics concerned with the study of the state, nation, government, and politics and policies of government. 

If you are launching to submit your researches in the field of political sciences and then wait not, register with us at the earliest and submit your researches with ease. 

Compete with the scholars or researchers from over 25 countries that include India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Nigeria, Botswana, Zimbabwe and a lot more. Several researches that are related to public law, democratic theory, French politics, democratic theory, German Politics and theory, social quality, Italian politics and a lot more can be submitted to the e conference.

Researchers who want to take part in the virtual conference from any part of the world can be a part of the event.

Fane is just a click away from you!!

The format of the research paper will be in the prescribed format as provided in the website. All the accepted researches will be published in the South American Journals and other International Juices for free.

It would be an added advantage for the students or researchers from all over the world whoever participates in the virtual conference or the e conference.

Launching to Publish Your Theology Research

We have the right Option for you!!! 

Virtual conference brings you an open platform wherein the scholars and researchers in the relevant field and to update the research papers. It brings out an excellent opportunity to compete with the International scholars. 

One of the showcased features of the virtual conference is that it provides you open forums where you can comment and discuss on your researches at any point of time from any part of the world.

Abstracting and indexing information is often prominent for the relevant research papers. Many deans also value the prestige associated with publishing in journals with Impact Factors, because it helps them compare scholars from multiple disciplines. 

For theology papers, the research may be related to history of philosophy, knowledge and reality, aesthetics, medieval philosophy, formal logic, philosophy of physics, theory of politics and a lot more. 

It’s a top gearing opportunity for the researchers’ world wide as the participants from over 25 countries have registered for the event to make it a great success and to get advanced in the field of their research. 

As of now, the participants are from different countries that include Afghanistan, Nepal, USA, India, Indonesia, Oman, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Cameroon and a lot more.
All the accepted research papers will be published in the International Journals for free.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Top-up Your Researches in Naturopathy

Excited of your research?? Take up the opportunity to get your research recognized world-wide. Fame is at your fingertip!

Register with us and submit your research papers related to naturopathy. Researches may be case studies, article reviews or anything. 

Participate in the E conference from any part of the world. Get validated for your efforts in research.

The following sub topics can be considered (but not limited to) for the research in alternative medicine- naturopathy:

  • History of Naturopathic Medicine
  • Naturopathic Principles
  • Naturopathic Theories and Practice
  • Naturopathic Medical Education
  • Naturopathic Therapies
  • Naturopathic Quotes
  • Regulation of Naturopathic Medicine
  • Clinical Nutrition
  • Botanical Medicine
  • Physical Medicine
  • Natural Childbirth
  • Oriental Medicine
  • Counseling and Stress Management
Important dates to remember
  1. The last date for submission of research papers is on December 31st, 2014.
  2. The results will be declared on February 16th, 2015.
  3. The Open Forum will be available from 7th January 2015 to 16th January, 2015.
  4. The distribution of Certificates or Awards will be held on March 1st 2015.

Stand out from the crowd with your research in Alternative Medicine (Ayurveda)

Alternative medicine is any practice that is put forward as having the healing effects of medicine, but is not based on evidence gathered using the scientific method. It consists of a wide range of health care practices, products and therapies.Examples include new and traditional medicine practices such as homeopathy, naturopathy, chiropractic, energy medicine, various forms of acupuncture, Traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, and Christian faith healing.

Texila Conference brings to you the relevant fame you wish to achieve for our Research!

Excel in the Multidisciplinary research with your researches in Ayurveda as an alternative medicine approach with the following subtopics:

  • Ayurvedic Samhita & Siddhartha (Ayurvedic Compendia & Basic Principles)
  • Rachana Sharir (Anatomy)
  • Kriya sharir (Physiology)
  • Dravyaguna Vigyan (Materia Medica & Pharmacology)
  • Rasashastra (Ayurvedic Metals & Minerals/Iatrochemistry)
  • Bhaishajya Kalpana (Pharmaceuticals Science)
  • Agadtantra & Vidhi Vaidyaka (Toxicology & Forensic Medicine)
  • Svasthavritta (Preventive Social Medicine & Yoga)
  • Roganidana & Vikriti Vigyan (Pathology & Diagnostic Procedure)
  • Kayachikitsa (General Medicine)
An outstanding opportunity to bring out your research in relevant as it will be published in the International Medical Journals.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Take Your Research to Next Level through the E conference 2015

Attain a breakthrough experience by submitting your research papers and participating in the First International Scientific e conference.

Texila American University (TAU), Guyana, presents the First International Scientific e conference that would allow different researchers in relevant fields to participate from any corner of the world!!

The event will take place completely online and is expected to happen in January 2015. The last date for submission of the research papers will be December 31st 2014.

Participants can interact in the Open Forum to take part in the E conference. The Open Forum will be available from January 7th to 16th, 2015. During this time, they can comment for the fellow research papers and gain points which will be an added advantage.

The selected researches will be published in the International Research Journals that would increase the fame of the researchers. Different Awards and Certifications will also be provided to the researchers.

Bring up Your New concepts and theories in your opted field of Research that would bring Positive, Social, Economic, Intellectual Change and growth.

The participants would get an opportunity to interact with research scholars from all over the world.

Refer the website for more details:  http://www.texilaconference.org

Are You Interested to Participate in the E-Conference?

If you are a Researcher or a Scholar with relevant degree and interested in participating in an E-conference, then this is the right choice for you!!!

Texila Conference is the First International Scientific E conference organized by the Texila American University, Guyana. Researchers with any research works related to the subjects mentioned in the website can participate in the e conference from any part of the world.

Register to participate in the e conference and submit your papers that can either be the Researcher related to some subjects or Article Reviews or any other Case Studies related to the relevant field.

Fame is just at a click away from You!!!

The shortlisted papers will be published in the International Journals for free.

Hurry Up! The last date for the submission of the research papers is December 31st 2014. 

The objective of the E-conference is to:

  • Provide a platform for all the scientists/students to disseminate their emerging research to investigators globally
  • Provide a platform for a global dialogue on emerging research in multiple disciplines
  • For the Registration and more details on the e-conference, please visit the website http://www.texilaconference.org/

Research in Yoga & Participate in the E-conference

Researchers or scholars with a wide research in Yoga or related topics can participate in the E conference from any part of the world in January 2015. The research may include the Research works or the article reviews or the case studies etc which would be required for the doctoral degree.

Added advantage for the students or the researchers or the participants includes the publication of their research papers in the South American Journals or any other International Journals for free. 

The e-Conference invites original papers, review articles, technical reports and short communications containing new insight into any aspect of Management Subject areas suitable for e-conference include, but are not limited to the following fields:
Sub topics for Research Papers related to Yoga

  • Philosophy
  • Spirituality
  • Psychology
  • Human Consciousness
  • Therapy
  • Bio Mechanics
  • Exercise and sport sciences
  • Literary/textual studies
  • Yoga-Spirituality
  • Yoga and Life Sciences
  • Yoga and Physical Sciences
  • Yoga and Management Studies
  • Yoga and Humanities
  • Physiology of Meditation Techniques
  • Physiology of Pranayama
  • Yoga for Rehabilitation
  • Yoga in Perception and Performance
  • Therapeutic Applications of Yoga

Alternative Medicine Papers for E - Conference

Call for your research papers in Alternative Medicine to present an e conference via online in January 2015. Henceforth, interact with the fellow participants and comment on the research papers so as to add values to your performance.

This is a very excellent opportunity for the researchers or scholars to get advanced in their field of research. 

The research papers may include the research works or article reviews or the case studies etc.

The e-Conference invites original papers, review articles; technical reports and short communications containing new insight into any aspect of Management Subject areas suitable for e-conference include, but are not limited to the following fields:

  • Retail Management
  • International Marketing
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • High-technology and new media marketing
  • Investment Management
  • Financial Services
  • Costing and Financial Management
  • Banking and Finance Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • E-Commerce
  • Motivational Theories, Training and Development
  • Organizational Behavior and Industrial Relations
  • Entrepreneurship Management
  • Management Information System
  • Event Management
  • Disaster Management
  • Project Management
  • Technology Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Logistics Management